ONLY 1% of tadpoles
survive to become

Does your product team have the resilience and adaptability of these survivors?

We unleash your team’s creative power—
fostering a flexible, adaptive, and
imaginative mindset

  • Driving discovery

  • Accelerating speed to value

  • Inculcating creative competitiveness

We offer seven
“Mindset & Innovation” workshops to help your teams to navigate

A quick look…

Three global Innovation
labs for Coca-Cola that
foster 24/7 co-creation
with key customers

New product and service facilitation for Fortune 500 co’s in technology, healthcare, financial,
and hospitality

  • Tap into your team's innate forms of discovery and capabilities to align them with your company’s objectives.

    Shift from… team uncertainty and misalignment to cross-functional synergy, confidence, and inspired discretionary effort.

  • Use inventive thinking to navigate the competitive landscape and leverage technological advancements to deliver cutting-edge products and services.

    Shift from… linear to non-linear thinking, from fear of uncertainty to creative confidence and risk-taking.

  • Focus on understanding your customer ecosystem, their needs, and pain points to address their unique challenges.

    Shift from… engineering and product-centric-thinking to a customer-centric mindset, from end-user guesswork to robust journey maps.

  • Embrace the transformative potential of AI technologies and leverage AI to drive innovation.

    Shift from… guesswork and vanilla output to inventive mash-ups and breakthroughs.

  • Work with cross-functional teams to generate ideas, share insights, and collectively drive product development.

    Shift from… individual work to surprise intersections and fruitful collaborations, from command & control to inspired discretionary effort.

  • Immerse in real-world case studies, anchored in reality, using rapid ideation and human-centered design methodologies.

    Shift from… myopic thinking and self-reliance to activating networks for global impact.

  • Adapt to changing roles and responsibilities in an uncertain and rapidly evolving industry. Navigate uncertainty with deliberate action.

    Shift from… uncertain roles and responsibilities to aligned and authentic pursuits.

Our workshops offer tangible benefits to product managers overseeing teams at companies large and small. They provide valuable insights, tools, and strategies to navigate disruptive change, foster innovation, and deliver impactful products. By embracing the Tadpole Mindset & Innovation workshops, product managers can cultivate a culture of creativity, agility, and resilience, positioning their teams and companies for long-term success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Facilitating the messaging
of thought-leaders in the AI,
media, and ethics space


"Zamchick pushed our thinking to places we didn’t know it could go!"
 Tony O’Driscoll, Lead Learning Strategist, IBM
"Zamchick brought a creative spark to almost all Labs projects underway — moving research prototypes to full service concepts.”
 Stu Gaines, VP Advanced Development, 
 AT&T Labs Research
“Zamchick is the kind of amazing generalist that is hard to find. He can do a drawing, act out an interaction, diagram a complex system, and vividly present experience design all in a days work. His positive energy drives teams through rough patches and he demonstrates an intense passion for his clients.”

 Joshua Walton, 
 Microsoft Hololens
"Zamchick's ability to get to the core strategic needs of teams is what makes him invaluable.”
   Mark Hacker, Guru, 
   Rockwell Group
"Zamchick has an amazing talent connecting business strategy to inspiring design ideas.”
  Eric Johnson, Director of Innovation, 
  Coca-Cola Company

Read our book ”Everyday Superhero” to learn how
you can inspire everyone and create real change at work (Penguin Random House).